Missouri Breaks

Random thoughts, political opinions and sage advice from the midlands.

Location: Kansas City, Missouri, United States

I am a former UPI journalist now operating from behind a public relations desk located in a blue city but a red state.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Welcome to Midlandspeak. I appreciate all input, so by all means contribute your thoughts as well. As we enter this important election year - we are only a week away from picking a presidential candidate in Missouri - I felt it was important that I spend time putting thoughts down on e-paper for my own edification if no other.

A little background:

I am a babyboomer. A Democrat from a long run of Yellow Dog Democrats on my mother's side of the family. Unfortunately, since the demise of my grandfather, much of my family has since fallen into the GOP trap that relative prosperity can often send people who value their possessions more than their souls. Is that too harsh? Nah, not at all.

I am a native Missourian, having been born in Kansas City in the closing days of 1945. I was reared in Texas, however, spending all but the last two and a half decades in the Lone Star State. I still retain, even after 25 years, a Texas accent which fortunately has eroded to what can be mistaken as a southern accent.

I am from Texas, I freely admit. But I am not a Texan nor do I ever expect to return other than visits to friends, family and games of the Texas Longhorns, Uh, yes, I do have a singular allegiance to the University of Texas (Austin), or at least its athletic teams. It is a weakness I cannot defend. It solely is an intellectual flaw that those who know me occasionally forgive.

But do not on any account think that because I am from Texas that I would blindly support or defend George W. Bush (or his father, or even that famous first Texas president, LBJ). The country would be better served had all three NOT been our president, though I say that with one caveat. In the case of LBJ, I do not think we would have been better served with Goldwater as president. The sadness was that we had no choice as a nation in 1964 - stick with LBJ and all his foilables, or take on Goldwater and his belief that America was at its best in 1854.

Regarding our present Bush in the White House . . . lord, protect us all. What have we as a nation unleashed. The New Hampshire primary today hopefully will help set us on the right path with a Democratic candidate, and there are indications that the news media may finally find the guts to really cover the Bush administration's shinanigans. Chaney. Isn't he a piece of work?

I will post further background in future postings, as appropriate to understanding of positions I may take.

Until the next time.


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