Missouri Breaks

Random thoughts, political opinions and sage advice from the midlands.

Location: Kansas City, Missouri, United States

I am a former UPI journalist now operating from behind a public relations desk located in a blue city but a red state.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

This from the New York Times about an issue that truly disgusts me: Catholic bishops saying they will withhold the euchrist from politicians who are pro-life.

Forty-eight Roman Catholic members of Congress who are Democrats have signed a letter to the cardinal archbishop of Washington, D.C., saying the threats by some bishops to deny communion to politicians who support abortion rights were "deeply hurtful," counterproductive and "miring the Church in partisan politics."

The letter is the first organized counter-punch by Democratic legislators since a handful of Catholic bishops set off an uproar in the church by declaring that they would withhold communion from politicians who favor abortion rights.

The letter's signers, including about a dozen who are considered anti-abortion Democrats, said the bishops are "allowing the church to be used for partisan purposes.'' They also question why these bishops made abortion a litmus test while ignoring politicians who voted counter to the church by endorsing the death penalty and the war in Iraq.

I like that about the death penalty and the war in Iraq. The Pope takes big issue with those, but apparently it's OK for Republican politicians to be for death . . . just not among sperm.

I hate feeling anti-Catholic, but this church is out of control (as are many protestant denominations too). The sex abuse scandal was glossed over. Forgive, says the bishop of Rome. Its continual backing of no contraceptives is having incredible impact on the poor, particularly in Africa where AIDs is rampant. Frankly, it's time has come and gone. Somewhere in about the 12th or 13th centuries, the Church of St. Peter just petered out.

Which is more relevant?-Islam or Catholicism? Both are the same in my book. A cult following that has not changed with the times and is no longer relevant in a secular world.


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