Ah, the lying liberal press! Oops, wait a minute. This is about the moony paper, the Washington Times.
According to the Columbia Journalism Review, which spends election years fact-checking claims in newspapers:
According to the Columbia Journalism Review, which spends election years fact-checking claims in newspapers:
"Since early April, Sen. Kerry has regularly told anyone that will listen that Americans are suffering through 'the worst job recovery since the Great Depression.'
"Then The Washington Times reported, 'Now that consumer spending is rising and voter confidence in the economy is growing, Mr. Kerry calls it "the worst economic recovery since the Great Depression." ' (italics added)
"Did Kerry slip up, or did the Washington Times misquote him? . . . The paper misquoted the man -- presumably to make it look like he was saying something in defiance of evidence to the contrary.
"That's no typo. That's an attempt to hang Kerry with words he never said."
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