Missouri Breaks

Random thoughts, political opinions and sage advice from the midlands.

Location: Kansas City, Missouri, United States

I am a former UPI journalist now operating from behind a public relations desk located in a blue city but a red state.

Monday, August 16, 2004

Of the 50, a good choice though I would throw in Mississippi and Kansas

This just in from the Fox Network:

NEW YORK — Nearly 140 years after the Civil War, another group of Americans wants to secede from the union.

Christian Exodus (search), a California-based group, wants God to be its commander in chief. Decrying what it perceives as the unjust secularization of the United States, it wants a sovereign state of its own.

But rather than eye the Golden State — a "lost cause," says the group's founder — it'll settle for South Carolina (search).

Cory Burnell (search), Christian Exodus' founder and president, told FOX News that the group narrowed its focus to the Bible Belt state based on an electorate that is already "Christian-leaning," has its own ports and — unlike its neighbor North Carolina — is no hub of liberalism.

Christian Exodus' mission, according to its Web site, is to scrap the "tyrannical authority" of federal government in favor of a constitutional republic, with the Ten Commandments rather than the U.S. Constitution as government's guide.

Phase One of the group's "plan of action" in breaking down the wall between church and state is to enlist groups of 1,000 members to move into 12 designated House districts in South Carolina, with the goal of voting 12 "Christian sovereigntists" into the state government by 2008.

Not much in South Carolina worth keeping anyway, and I would be all for it if we could ship all the evangelicals there.

By the way, I just attended a "new season" meeting, in which one of the new "drama" shows on Fox this season will be the partnering of a nun and a reporter who are seeking out evidence that indeed the apocalypse is just around the corner. Sorry, but Buffy the Vampire Slayer stopped at least four different apocalypses in her seven seasons. I don't think more are on the way.


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