Where there's smoke, there's fire . . .
On the same day that the New York Times breaks a story on the Bush Administration using an oil company hack to edit and rewrite government papers on global warming, we have federal attorneys "surprising" the tobacco industry with an unmerited gift.
Why am I continually being shocked and dismayed by this Administration. Surely I would be now have seen the light, but apparently not.
George Bush's existence is why I know there is no god in heaven! Intelligent Design would never have concocted such a lapdog.
Tobacco Escapes Huge Penalty
U.S. Seeks $10 Billion Instead of $130 Billion
By Carol D. Leonnig
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, June 8, 2005; Page A01
After eight months of courtroom argument, Justice Department lawyers abruptly upset a landmark civil racketeering case against the tobacco industry yesterday by asking for less than 8 percent of the expected penalty.
As he concluded closing arguments in the six-year-old lawsuit, Justice Department lawyer Stephen D. Brody shocked tobacco company representatives and anti-tobacco activists by announcing that the government will not seek the $130 billion that a government expert had testified was necessary to fund smoking-cessation programs. Instead, Brody said, the Justice Department will ask tobacco companies to pay $10 billion over five years to help millions of Americans quit smoking.
Before it was cut, the cessation program was the most significant financial penalty still available to the government as part of its litigation, which had been the largest civil racketeering and conspiracy case in U.S. history. The government contended that six tobacco companies engaged in a 50-year conspiracy to defraud and addict smokers and then conceal the dangers of cigarettes.
"We were very surprised," said Dan Webb, lawyer for Altria Group's Philip Morris USA and the coordinating attorney in the case. "They've gone down from $130 billion to $10 billion with absolutely no explanation. It's clear the government hasn't thought through what it's doing."
The Justice Department offered little explanation for the figure. Associate Attorney General Robert D. McCallum Jr. and members of the trial team declined to answer questions as the court session ended. In 2001, then-Attorney General John D. Ashcroft tried to settle or shelve the government's racketeering case against the industry before a public outcry forced its revival.
"It feels like a political decision to take into consideration the tobacco companies' financial interest rather than health interests of 45 million addicted smokers," said William V. Corr, director of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. "The government proved its case, but the levels of funding are a shadow of the cessation treatment program that the government's own expert witness recommended."
Sources and government officials close to the case said the trial lawyers wanted to request $130 billion for smoking-cessation programs but were pressured by leaders in the attorney general's office, particularly McCallum, to make the cut. Arguments within the Justice Department continued behind the scenes through yesterday morning, according to the sources, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the controversy over the matter.
Why am I continually being shocked and dismayed by this Administration. Surely I would be now have seen the light, but apparently not.
George Bush's existence is why I know there is no god in heaven! Intelligent Design would never have concocted such a lapdog.
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