Tough Day for Jesus Freaks; NSA Wiretaps Coming?
But a great day for me.
We Constitution-loving people haven't had a lot of good news lately. George Bush actually admits that he thinks the U.S. Constitution is quaint, but really not relative when it comes to fighting those hateful old terrorists, and no one mentions impeachment hearings? I guess you can introduce fascism to our country just as long as your keep your fly zipped up in the Oval Office.
But I digress.
Why is it such a good day? Well, you can thank, Dover, Pa.
You do remember Dover, don't you? Nice little burg of 1,800+ inhabitants. These nice people did take their eye of the ball slightly two years ago and the Religious Right Wing of the little town voted in a school board that introduced Intelligent Design to its school system. But you can't keep the intelligent in Dover down too long because this past fall they voted out the yahoos and brought sanity back to their small hamlet.
That little action set Pat Robertson off and he promptly declared the town doomed to hell for turning out its school board. Pat, who loves the sin more than the sinner, promptly predicts that God was going to get his due! Wise up, Doverians! Remember Katrina. God got tired of those damn gays and other sinners in New Orleans. Yep, Pat says he brought that on.
But Dover apparently has an immense amount of courage, or else they just like to keep jabbing God in the eye (or so Pat would see it). Six families took the whole issue to court. Today, a federal judge appointed by George Bush in 2002 declared that Intelligent Design was exactly neither. Opps, another black mark against Dover in that heavenly book Pat keeps for God. If Pat can see to it, when the roll is called up yonder, I don't think many Doverites will be standing in line the express line.
Or maybe they will be. It just goes to show you never can tell.
We Constitution-loving people haven't had a lot of good news lately. George Bush actually admits that he thinks the U.S. Constitution is quaint, but really not relative when it comes to fighting those hateful old terrorists, and no one mentions impeachment hearings? I guess you can introduce fascism to our country just as long as your keep your fly zipped up in the Oval Office.
But I digress.
Why is it such a good day? Well, you can thank, Dover, Pa.
You do remember Dover, don't you? Nice little burg of 1,800+ inhabitants. These nice people did take their eye of the ball slightly two years ago and the Religious Right Wing of the little town voted in a school board that introduced Intelligent Design to its school system. But you can't keep the intelligent in Dover down too long because this past fall they voted out the yahoos and brought sanity back to their small hamlet.
That little action set Pat Robertson off and he promptly declared the town doomed to hell for turning out its school board. Pat, who loves the sin more than the sinner, promptly predicts that God was going to get his due! Wise up, Doverians! Remember Katrina. God got tired of those damn gays and other sinners in New Orleans. Yep, Pat says he brought that on.
But Dover apparently has an immense amount of courage, or else they just like to keep jabbing God in the eye (or so Pat would see it). Six families took the whole issue to court. Today, a federal judge appointed by George Bush in 2002 declared that Intelligent Design was exactly neither. Opps, another black mark against Dover in that heavenly book Pat keeps for God. If Pat can see to it, when the roll is called up yonder, I don't think many Doverites will be standing in line the express line.
Or maybe they will be. It just goes to show you never can tell.
Judge Bars 'Intelligent Design' From Pa. Classes
HARRISBURG, PA., Dec. 20 - A federal judge ruled today that a Pennsylvania school board's policy of teaching intelligent design in high school biology class is unconstitutional because intelligent design is clearly a religious idea that advances "a particular version of Christianity."
In the nation's first case to test the legal merits of intelligent design, Judge John E. Jones III dealt a stinging rebuke to advocates of teaching intelligent design as a scientific alternative to evolution in public schools.
The judge found that intelligent design is not science, and that the only way its proponents can claim it is, is by changing the very definition of science to include supernatural explanations.
Eleven parents in Dover, Pa., sued their school board a year ago when the board voted that ninth grade biology students should be read a brief statement saying there are "gaps in the theory" of evolution and that intelligent design is another explanation they should examine. The case is Kitzmiller et. al. v. Dover.
The six-week trial in federal district court in Harrisburg gave intelligent design the most thorough academic and legal airing it has had since the movement's inception about 15 years ago. The judge heard evidence from scientists in the forefront of the design movement, as well as scientists and other experts who are critics.
Intelligent design posits that biological life is so complex that it must have been originated by an intelligent source - without ever defining the identity of that source. But the judge said the evidence in the trial strongly proved that intelligent design is "creationism relabeled." The Supreme Court has already ruled that creationism, which relies on the Biblical account of the creation of life, cannot be taught as science in a public school.
In his opinion, the judge said he found the testimony of Barbara Forrest, a historian of science, very persuasive. She had presented evidence that the authors of an intelligent design textbook, "Of Pandas and People, merely removed the word "creationism" from an earlier edition and substituted it with "intelligent design" after the Supreme Court's ruling in 1987.
"The evidence at trial demonstrates that intelligent design is nothing less than the progeny of creationism," Judge Jones wrote.
"We conclude that the religious nature of intelligent design would be readily apparent to an objective observer, adult or child," he said. "The writings of leading ID proponents reveal that the designer postulated by their argument is the God of Christianity."
The lead defense lawyer for the school board, Richard Thompson, said it was "silly" for the judge to have issued such a sweeping judgment on intelligent design in a case that he said merely involved a "one minute statement" being read to students.
"A thousand opinions by a court that a particular scientific theory is invalid will not make that scientific theory invalid," said Mr. Thompson, the president and chief counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, a public interest firm that says it promotes Christian values. "It is going to be up to the scientists who are going to continue to do research in their labs that will ultimately determine that."
Opponents of intelligent design were delighted by the decision, but said it would not put an end to intelligent design or the efforts to teach it because it is only an opinion from one federal district court.
Eugenie Scott, executive director, National Center for Science Education, an advocacy group in Oakland, Calif., that promotes teaching evolution, said, "I predict that another school board down the line will try to bring intelligent design into the curriculum than the Dover group did, and they'll be a lot smarter about concealing their religious intent."
Even after courts ruled against teaching creationism and creation science, she said, "For several years afterward, school districts were still contemplating teaching creation science."
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