Missouri Breaks

Random thoughts, political opinions and sage advice from the midlands.

Location: Kansas City, Missouri, United States

I am a former UPI journalist now operating from behind a public relations desk located in a blue city but a red state.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Beam Him Up, Scottie

So long sap. Scottie, we hardly knew ye.

There was something sad about watching Scott McClellan go down. It was like watching an old, faithful hunting dog being taken out behind the barn to be put down. There was Mr. Decision-Maker looking smug for having had to make the tough decision to load the old .20-gauge, and there was downcast Scottie with tears at the corner of his eyes awaiting the inevitable . . . and actually quite willing for the final shot.

He should be. He no longer will have to be the Bush Administration's pinata.

Obviously, I am not sorry to see him go. It is not a pretty site to watch a man destroy his credibility, his moral soul and his masculinity each and every day. Scottie was the loyal old dog, quite willing to take a slap across the head with a rolled newspaper and lie quitely under the table while his master consumed the bacon.

Oh, lie. Those too. I have never seen anyone lie so often without even a smirk of contempt at his audience. He didn't lie because he wanted to. He lied because 1) he had to, or 2) he was never provided with anything but lies.

So, no more comments about how we don't comment on on-going legal investigations. No more hearing about terrorists hating us as the reason for cutting veteran benefits. No more 9/11 references when queried about the weather.

Scottie, so long you stupid sap.


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