From OxBlog blogspot (a site you should visit - very well written:
THANKS, MEL: The percentage of Americans who say Jews were responsible for Christ's death is rising - particularly among young people and blacks - according to a poll just released by the Pew Research Center. In a telephone survey of 1,703 randomly selected adults, 26 percent of respondents said Jews killed Christ - which was up from 19 percent in an identically worded poll from 1997, and the increase among people under thirty was a particularly startling threefold - from 10 percent to 34 percent. (The proportional rise among blacks was smaller, 21 percent to 42 percent.)
That these views are correlated with having seen Mel Gibson's "Passion" movie is borne out by the survey - particularly, again, among the troubling "young anti-semite" demographic: of those 18-34 year olds who have seen the film, 42 percent believe Jews were responsible for Christ's death, compared with 36 percent of 35-59 year olds who watched the movie. And for respondents 60 years and up, there was hardly any difference between the responses of people who had seen the film and those who hadn't.
Unfortunately, most people get their "history" from movies. That was what was so dangerous about "JFK." Oliver can say he was only making a movie. No, he was convincing a whole generation that JFK was killed by some bizarre conspiracy in Louisiana.
Mel, now you can go down in history as having produced a movie that has stirred up anti-semitism to a whole new level. Who knows, Mel, maybe your film will be perceived in the future to what "Birth of a Nation" did for racial relations.
Mel, let it be said here: you are a friggin' ignorant asshole. And a racist.
THANKS, MEL: The percentage of Americans who say Jews were responsible for Christ's death is rising - particularly among young people and blacks - according to a poll just released by the Pew Research Center. In a telephone survey of 1,703 randomly selected adults, 26 percent of respondents said Jews killed Christ - which was up from 19 percent in an identically worded poll from 1997, and the increase among people under thirty was a particularly startling threefold - from 10 percent to 34 percent. (The proportional rise among blacks was smaller, 21 percent to 42 percent.)
That these views are correlated with having seen Mel Gibson's "Passion" movie is borne out by the survey - particularly, again, among the troubling "young anti-semite" demographic: of those 18-34 year olds who have seen the film, 42 percent believe Jews were responsible for Christ's death, compared with 36 percent of 35-59 year olds who watched the movie. And for respondents 60 years and up, there was hardly any difference between the responses of people who had seen the film and those who hadn't.
Unfortunately, most people get their "history" from movies. That was what was so dangerous about "JFK." Oliver can say he was only making a movie. No, he was convincing a whole generation that JFK was killed by some bizarre conspiracy in Louisiana.
Mel, now you can go down in history as having produced a movie that has stirred up anti-semitism to a whole new level. Who knows, Mel, maybe your film will be perceived in the future to what "Birth of a Nation" did for racial relations.
Mel, let it be said here: you are a friggin' ignorant asshole. And a racist.
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