Missouri Breaks

Random thoughts, political opinions and sage advice from the midlands.

Location: Kansas City, Missouri, United States

I am a former UPI journalist now operating from behind a public relations desk located in a blue city but a red state.

Thursday, January 29, 2004

Thursday, the 29th

No WMDs. 500 plus deaths for just American soldiers alone. The number of maimed and seriously wounded? Perhaps three times that. Some $87 billion or more spent, and all because the Bush administration had a cockamamied idea that if you drop Saddam, then all the others would fall . . . to what? Islamic Republics?

Why did we go to war in the first place? We know the Bush posturing, but what were the reasons? Let me count the ways:

1) Oil. Oh, surely not. That couldn't be a reason could it?
2) Saddam dissed, and perhaps, tried to whack Bush Sr. Oh, that's a good reason.
3) Israel. This will give Israel security? How stupid can you be, but those nutty religious glops in the defense department and all around the Bush White House probably think Israel will be with us side-by-side at Armaggedon. Let's all bring on the bad times so we can all rejoice with the second coming. Seriously folks - there are those out there who believe that.
4) Solving the Mideast Problem. Excuse me, but I think you start with the Palestinians - not the Iraqis.
5) Chest-thumpin' Pride. Works for Chaney and Rummy. Probably would work for the rest of us. We haven't had anyone to beat up since . . . . uh, Iraq. And maybe those Granadians.

I am embarrassed for our nation. We are not as stupid as our current administration portrays us to the rest of the world.

The Democrats MUST win in 2004. I'm not sure where our country is headed for without an administrative change, but it won't be good.


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