Missouri Breaks

Random thoughts, political opinions and sage advice from the midlands.

Location: Kansas City, Missouri, United States

I am a former UPI journalist now operating from behind a public relations desk located in a blue city but a red state.

Monday, August 23, 2004

Good servant, take a break!

Dubya publicly has never admitted that there is even a chance of his losing (kind of in the same category of never admitting a mistake), but apparently he loosened up with some steelworkers in Pennsylvania (another closed meeting to the media) and admitted that if he lost, he could deal with it. Apparently, he thinks God could deal with it, too, and would say, "Good servant, take a break."

If God is keeping such close tabs on his presidency, you would think Dubya would be in a lot more trouble than he is now. I don't know of any action that would God might endorse, although perhaps he's lapsed into his Genesis, revengeful stage, in which case, perhaps he is giving a good eyeball and pronouncing it good:
- killing Iraqis with abandon
- putting people out of work and smirking that it's good for the nation
- raping the environment (since the End Times are just around the corner anyway)
- creating a national debt that can strangle the poor for decades
- ensuring that ever sperm is sacred.

Hmmm. Do I see the hand of God in those endeavors? Well, if you ask Job, you'd probably get a "no" answer since it also does not include full body sores and ruinous debt collectors, but it is pretty close. So, who knows. Maybe Bush is right and he indeed is the Prince of Darkness Grim.


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