Missouri Breaks

Random thoughts, political opinions and sage advice from the midlands.

Location: Kansas City, Missouri, United States

I am a former UPI journalist now operating from behind a public relations desk located in a blue city but a red state.

Monday, February 02, 2004

Monday, the 2nd:

Typical. We actually have a great football game, one of the greatest Super Bowls ever according to some, and the day after no one is talking about the game but rather Janet Jackson's boob. I wish Bush would stop worrying about "terr-a-rists" and focus on America's No. 1 problem - the Family Jackson. I thought Janet's career was in decline when she went to snakes, but apparently not.

It was more silly than disgusting. I was spared the episode because I never watch the horrendously overdone Super Bowl halftimes (why do they fire off explosives in a domed stadium - the start of the second half looked like the players were playing in a San Francisco fog). But when I returned for the second half, that was all the commentators had to talk about. A rapid channel selector through the news stations showed that FOX was nearly hysterical with it, running the scene every five minutes.

Oh, and the Patriots won. Great game, New England, though I doubt that anyone could give the score today. Even the sports stations were talking about Janet (all were seemingly appalled and concerned that it took away from the game, but boy were they talking about it).

Meanwhile, in the real world, the death toll continues to rise in that little Mideast country we pacified. And George Bush says now we should investigate (well, maybe) that our intelligence was erroneous, not he ever was concerned about WMDs when he REALLY decided to invade Iraq. I bet his mommy and daddy are so proud.


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